Ask Me Anything About ARFID

Megen Vo, MD, delves into the nuances of ARFID, a lesser-known eating disorder, in this Q&A derived from the Stanford Medicine Children’s Health “Ask Me Anything” series on Instagram.

Ask Me Anything About Sports Medicine

A sports medicine specialist at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health discusses the rise in professionalization of youth sports, risk factors for burnout and attrition, diversification, concussions, and more.

Getting Help When the Baby Blues Don’t Go Away

“The main difference between postpartum baby blues and postpartum depression is really a timing and intensity issue postpartum,” says Teresa Tan, MD, an obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/GYN) at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health in Mountain View.

Social Services Spread Holiday Cheer

Fernando Hurtado, a social work resource coordinator at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health, organized a toy drive to ensure that every patient in the hospital receives a special gift this holiday season.

Bringing School to the Bedside

Back-to-school season can be difficult for kids who are getting treatment in the hospital. A Bay Area foundation tries to make it easier through the power of connection.

How to Talk to Children About the Conflict in Ukraine

Russia’s attack on Ukraine has not only caused international outrage, but also stress and fear for people – including children. A Stanford Medicine Children’s Health psychiatrist provides advice on how parents can help their kids understand the difficult situation.

A NICU Nurse Becomes a New Mom

Ivette Najm has worked as a nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford for nearly one year, so she’s well aware of the high-quality medical care that the unit provides to babies in distress.

Halloween in the Time of COVID-19

Guidance from the CDC, local county officials and Stanford Medicine Children’s Health experts on ways to safely celebrate Halloween and Día de Los Muertos during the pandemic.

Multiple Joys

Four sets of twins are born in the span of 32 hours at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford.

Safe at Home

Trauma expert provides advice for parents on how to keep their children safe during shelter in place.

Healthy New Year’s Resolutions for Kids

Ring in 2017 with healthy New Years Resolutions that the whole family can do together. Tips about healthy eating habits and how to keep them all year long from our Pediatric Weight Control program which is now enrolling patients for January.

A school away from school

The Hospital School provides four hours of class every day for students in kindergarten through twelfth grade, taught by accredited teachers.

The Power of Touch

For babies, the nine months of pregnancy may feel like one long, loving embrace. It’s not surprising, then, that studies support the benefits of skin-to-skin contact for mothers and babies from the moment of birth, throughout infancy and beyond.

A Teaching Hospital – For Patients, Too

Children on hemodialysis spend a lot of time away from school. Our dedicated dialysis teacher helps make sure they don’t fall behind by meeting their educational needs in the medical setting, and helping support their medical needs when they’re in school.

Rare Twins Deliver Holiday Joy

Allison and Kevin Carlson will soon be taking home two great Christmas gifts from Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford – a set of rare monoamniotic twins named Kate and Annie, delivered on November 7 at just 30 weeks gestation.

News about Newborns, Delivered Each Morning

For parents dealing with a sick newborn, access to their baby’s condition needs to be clear and immediate. While conversations with the physician or nurse are a key source of information, Packard Children’s found another way to keep parents updated and in the loop.

Nurses Lead the Way

Today nurses are the front-line providers who monitor and meet patient needs; serve as patient and family advocates, and provide leadership in all aspects of health care. And Packard Children’s is leading the way in creating opportunities for nurses to excel.

Healthy Tips for Happy Holidays

Within the holiday season’s boxes, bunting and bountiful food lie health hazards for children and families. Experts at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital offer some wisdom to keep families safe and healthy this season.

Pioneers of the Berlin Heart

For a child awaiting a heart transplant, the Berlin Heart offers a bridge to life. Packard Children’s helped bring this innovative device to pediatric patients in the United States, and achieved some of the early milestones for the most vulnerable patients.

School Nurses Make the Grade

School nurses can certainly help kids feel better. But can they also help kids do better in school? Packard Children’s studied the effects of putting health care back into schools, and found that—not surprisingly—better health leads to better grades.

Growing for Tomorrow

Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital is embarking on a transformative expansion project. Growth will allow Packard to continue to offer the most advanced cures, treatments, and technologies available, performed by the best minds in pediatric and obstetric medicine, within a state-of-the-art facility designed to meet the special needs of children and families.

Appetite for Life

Caitlin Burns was born with an immune deficiency and pseudo-obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, a life-threatening condition that prevents the normal movement of food through her intestines. Packard specialists have been caring for her since she was an infant.

Transforming Hospital Design

Several aspects of the Packard expansion project have been improved by the first-hand participation of physicians, nurses, multidisciplinary care teams, and parents. Their input and feedback has led to a number of important changes—before construction even begins.