CPR: Every Moment Counts

A cardiac arrest prevents the heart from pumping effectively and causes it to stop. While it’s extremely rare in children, it’s also fatal, and people in cardiac arrest require treatment within minutes.

A Neurologist Explains Pediatric Headaches

Chronic headaches are common in childhood, which has a lot of parents wondering how to manage them and when to see a doctor. Susy Jeng, MD, a child neurologist, discusses commonly asked questions about managing headaches.

The Power of Song

Music therapy helps family comfort their baby while spending time in the NICU at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford.

A NICU Nurse Becomes a New Mom

Ivette Najm has worked as a nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford for nearly one year, so she’s well aware of the high-quality medical care that the unit provides to babies in distress.

Coping With a Pregnancy Loss

Three experts at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford and Stanford Hospital offer their collective coping strategies, advice, and insight for women who’ve had a pregnancy loss.

Storytime at NICU

Stanford researchers seek to demonstrate how parents talking can influence healthy development in preterm babies.