The Power of Organ Donation

April is Donate Life Month, and 14-year-old Sina Sulunga-Kahaialii of Hawaii is living proof that organ donation saves lives. She recently received a kidney transplant at our hospital due to chronic renal failure.

Video Game Technology and Surgical Expertise Meet in Groundbreaking Tool at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health to Help Parents Understand Complex Heart Repair

One of the most complex birth defects of the heart—and one of the most challenging to repair—can now be easily understood through a groundbreaking, video-game-like graphic now available on the Stanford Medicine Children’s Health website. It’s the first in a series called “Moving Medicine: An Interactive 3-D Look at Conditions and Treatments.”

Pioneers of the Berlin Heart

For a child awaiting a heart transplant, the Berlin Heart offers a bridge to life. Packard Children’s helped bring this innovative device to pediatric patients in the United States, and achieved some of the early milestones for the most vulnerable patients.