We welcomed a special visitor today—Buster Posey, catcher for the San Francisco Giants—who stopped by to visit with oncology patients undergoing treatment in our Bass Center for Childhood Cancer and Blood Diseases.

Buster, joined by his wife, Kristen, gave out autographed hats and throwback Giants fanny packs during their visit.

Best of all were the smiles and words of encouragement Buster brought to the patients and families he visited with. He talked with them about their lives outside of the hospital—everything from World Cup soccer, to their upcoming birthday celebrations, and visits from the Tooth Fairy—and assured each patient he would be thinking of them throughout their treatment.

During today’s visit, the Poseys also took time to tour the hospital’s new Main building, which opened to patients in December. They especially enjoyed spending time in the Story Corner and soon-to-be-open broadcast studio called Sophie’s Place, where patients can create and share content through the hospital-wide broadcast system.

The Poseys have regularly visited the Bass Center at Packard Children’s over the years as part of their efforts with the Buster and Kristen Posey Fund, dedicated to raising awareness of and support for pediatric cancer research.
- Kate DeTrempe
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