Safe at Home

Trauma expert provides advice for parents on how to keep their children safe during shelter in place.

Healthy, Happy Halloween!

October is here and with it comes the excitement of costumes and candy. Halloween is a fun-filled time for kids and parents alike but can also present some dangers to your superhero, princess or ghost.

The Mom’s Guide to Mosquitoes

With Zika, West Nile and other mosquito-borne illnesses dominating headlines around the world, fear and worry about the tiny creatures has grown. We asked Stanford Medicine Children’s Health doctors and local public health experts to share what pregnant women and parents really need to know about these diseases and if they had any tips for how parents can keep their families safe this summer.

Healthy Tips for Happy Holidays

Within the holiday season’s boxes, bunting and bountiful food lie health hazards for children and families. Experts at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital offer some wisdom to keep families safe and healthy this season.