For almost 40 years, the “monkey toy ladies” have met every Monday morning at the Los Altos Senior Center to make stuffed sock monkeys for the patients at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. They craft and deliver nearly 300 handmade sock monkeys each year to patients, hoping to bring them comfort and delight during their time spent in the hospital. For many children, the monkeys become lifelong buddies after their hospital stay.
Marge Filson, one of 10 monkey toy ladies, has been a loyal sock monkey creator for close to 24 years. “We hope to provide something meaningful for the children at the hospital. At the same time we’re rewarded with the friendship within our group of women,” explains Marge. “We have fun chatting, telling stories and laughing with each other.”
The cuddly, handcrafted companions are constructed using red-heeled socks, nylons and other donated materials shaped into heads, bodies, legs and arms. Each monkey is given its own unique character as volunteers apply the exclusive finishing touch to its face. Nanette Pearson, volunteer and group organizer, adds, “We want to make a child happy and hope that this will help them through their recovery.”
- Lindsay de Borba
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Interested to help! Do you need additional volunteers for creating sock monkeys?
I’ve got bags of small fabric scraps (leftovers from making baby quilts) that could be used for stuffing the sock monkeys. Can I drop them off at the Los Altos Senior Center?