Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, the core of the Stanford Medicine Children’s Health network, rang in 2022 in the best way — by welcoming its first New Year’s baby on Saturday morning at 8:42 a.m.
Jaqueline Ibanez Fernandez welcomed Jayline Garcia Ibanez to the world on New Year’s Day. It’s a string of firsts for the Palo Alto family. This is not only Jaqueline’s first child, but she’s also her parents’ first grandchild. The new family is absolutely over the moon and can’t wait to start the new year at home.

Last year’s 2021 New Year’s baby, Jalen Ramos, just celebrated his first birthday. His mom, Leigh Santiago, says because of the COVID-19 surge, they decided to celebrate his first birthday at home in San Bruno. “The past year has been a fun and wild one,” Leigh says, adding some advice for new parents. “Take it easy and take it day-by-day. Enjoy every moment as much as you can because it goes by so fast.”
On average, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital delivers 4,500 babies each year, that’s nearly a dozen babies a day. On December 31, 2021, New Year’s Eve, there were 16 babies born. The next day, New Year’s Day, six babies were born.
- Katie Chen
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