It’s fall! Now that the school year is underway, you may be looking to streamline some healthy family routines, such your system for making simple and nutritious school lunches.
That’s where this video comes in. Stanford nutrition expert Maya Adam, MD, who is also a mom, gives a demonstration of how she packs hassle-free lunches for her three boys. Her basic plan is a healthy main dish – often last night’s leftovers – plus fruits and veggies cut into easy-to-eat sections.
“Kids get hungry at school, and you can really take advantage of that hunger by putting good things in their lunch,” Adam says in the video.
In addition to the video, we’ve devised an infographic listing healthy and easy lunch options to print and stick on your fridge. You can use it to jog your memory in the morning, star your kids’ favorites, or give them ideas for good-for-them lunches they’re packing themselves.
For more of Maya Adam’s expertise, check out her series of blog posts for Healthier, Happy Lives; her free, online Stanford course on healthy cooking and child nutrition; or follow her on Facebook at Just Cook for Kids.
Download and print the healthy and easy lunch options infographic.