New Liver Gives a Toddler a Renewed Chance at Life

“Ocean was in dire need of a liver transplant,” says Carlos Esquivel, MD, pediatric transplant surgeon. “He was very ill and running out of time to wait for a compatible pediatric donor. We rarely get a pediatric donor. We had an offer for him from an adult donor that was his only chance for survival. We were able to use a small segment of the donated liver to save his life.”

How to Talk to Children About Mass Shootings

Parents across the country may be wondering how to have a conversation with their kids after news of multiple mass shootings. Mental health experts provide advice on how to help children process the tragedy.

Bringing School to the Bedside

Back-to-school season can be difficult for kids who are getting treatment in the hospital. A Bay Area foundation tries to make it easier through the power of connection.

How to Talk to Children About the Conflict in Ukraine

Russia’s attack on Ukraine has not only caused international outrage, but also stress and fear for people – including children. A Stanford Medicine Children’s Health psychiatrist provides advice on how parents can help their kids understand the difficult situation.